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Tzedakah Party Teaches Value of Giving

Tags: Campaign, PR, Family, Women, Federation

Tzedakah Party Teaches Value of Giving

CLEVELAND – November is a time to give thanks. At the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and PJ Library’s Tzedakah Party, families with children 4 years and younger will celebrate giving, enjoy gratitude-themed arts and crafts, participate in interactive PJ Library® story times, and have an action-packed opportunity to give tzedakah. This free event takes place on Sunday, November 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Federation’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Building, 25701 Science Park Drive in Beachwood.

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Finding Your Perfect Match

Tags: Dating, Women, Young Adults, Campaign, Federation, Blog

Finding Your Perfect Match

I had the perfect costume this Halloween. It looked great, was easy, and didn’t cost a fortune. Is it something you would wear? Probably not. Was it sewn perfectly and did it have all the best accessories? No. But, it was perfect for me.

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Baby Boomers: Sandwich Generation

Tags: Giving, Federation, PR, Philanthropy, Women

Some call baby boomers the sandwich generation because they are caring for both parents and children. Similarly, many baby boomers are sandwiched between inheriting assets or family businesses and planning for future distributions of their own assets or transferring of the family business.

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When a Community Inspires

Tags: Women, Blog, Federation, Israel, Overseas, Leadership, Partners

When a Community Inspires

One of my first memorable Federation experiences was when I went on a young adult mission to Israel 11 years ago. I’d never been to Israel. I was hesitant to leave my children but something in me said “just go, it will be worth it.” And, it was! Israel was simply beautiful. It moved me.

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Giving my Heart to Women’s Philanthropy

Tags: Women, Blog

Giving my Heart to Women’s Philanthropy

To me, the last of anything has always meant turning the page to something new. So ending my role as chair of Women’s Philanthropy is not really an end. My Federation journey and our community needs will remain as relevant a passion tomorrow as they are today.

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Passing of values is a tenet of Judaism

Tags: Giving, Federation, PR, Philanthropy, Women

The first time most of us create a will is when we have children. As we mature and our family structure changes, so too must the manner in which we view our estate plans. A will is more than a means to transfer property; it can be an expression of one’s personal ideals. The passing of values from one generation to the next is one of the most fundamental tenets of Judaism.

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An Inspiring Evening

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Women

An Inspiring Evening

Last night, over 170 Lions shared an inspirational evening at the Lion of Judah Annual Dinner, featuring Keynote Speaker Jane Weitzman.

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Heller Receives Ruby Bass Award

Tags: Women, Campaign, PR, Federation, Awards, Video

Heller Receives Ruby Bass Award

Rebecca Heller of Moreland Hills has been named the 2015 recipient of the Ruby Bass Award, honoring her volunteerism and dedication to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. Heller was presented with the award at the Federation’s Lion of Judah Annual Dinner on September 24.

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A D'var Torah on Sukkot 5776

Tags: Divrei Torah, Blog, Federation, Holidays, Women

A D'var Torah on Sukkot 5776

The following d’var torah was presented at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s All-Staff meeting on September 24, 2015.

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Cleveland Kids Give Back

Tags: PJ Library, Family, Federation, Women, Teens

Cleveland Kids Give Back

Jacob and Charlie have been giving tzedakah (charity) for as long as they can remember. Their mom, Heather, puts a tzedakah box on the table every Shabbat and they happily share their nickels and dimes. As little kids, they loved hearing a little plunk as the coins fell through the slit in the box. For years now, they know, because their mom tells them, that each little plunk is a mitzvah (good deed) that they can feel proud of.

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