Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adults, Leadership, Women
This past week I had the honor of traveling with 70 members of The Jewish Federations of North America's (JFNA) National Young Leadership Cabinet on a mission to Berlin and Israel. Together we learned about the past, present and plans for the future of their local Jewish communities and also saw first-hand where our Federation dollars go.href="http://www.jewishcleveland.org/news/blog/inspiring_stories_kick_off_JFNA_GA/">General Assembly.
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Tags: Women, Federation, PR
Gayle Simon, co-chair of the third annual Women Leaning In event, said it from the start: “Tonight, we’re going to tackle hard-hitting gender issues.” That’s exactly what occurred as 200-plus women filled a ballroom at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Mandel Building in Beachwood to discuss how to balance family and work.
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Tags: Women, Federation, PR
A power-packed event! 150+ Jewish Cleveland women networked and connected during discussions of today's hot topics at our annual Women Leaning In event.
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Tags: Women, Federation, PR
Women face many challenges in maintaining a work-life balance in today’s world.
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Tags: Women, Blog
When I reflect back on my earliest childhood memories, I ALWAYS remember feeling extremely proud of my Jewish heritage and identity. I derive immense pleasure celebrating the rituals and life cycle events of our faith and relish in preparing a holiday meal for a houseful of family and friends. To my husband Randy and me, raising our two children (Natalie, age 16 and Quinn, age 12) with strong Jewish values is the most important endeavor we have undertaken as parents. Yet, for both of us, Judaism is not something that happens exclusively in the confines of our home or synagogue. Being a part of a global Jewish community has compelled us both to engage in Jewish philanthropy and acts of chesed (acts of kindness), and more importantly pass the importance of giving to others onto our children. “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh la-zeh.” ALL Jews (or all the people of Israel) are responsible for one another.
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Tags: Women, Federation, Blog, Israel, Overseas, Leadership
One of my first memorable Federation experiences was when I went on a young adult mission to Israel 11 years ago. I’d never been to Israel. I was hesitant to leave my children but something in me said “just go, it will be worth it.” And, it was! Israel was simply beautiful. It moved me.
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Tags: Women
Your voice, our voice, has made the difference! The Women’s Campaign of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland raised over $3.7 million in the 2016 Campaign for Jewish Needs. Under the inspiring leadership of Co-Chairs, Susan Borison and Jennifer Korach, 547 Jewish Cleveland women worked together to achieve a 15% increase over last year. They united with other dedicated volunteers and donors to raise nearly $31 million from over 11,000 community members to help change and save lives in Cleveland, Israel, and 70 countries around the globe.
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Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Young Adults, Women, Blog, I-connect
Hi, my name is Ruthy, and I am from Cleveland, Ohio. After years of Jewish Day School and summers at Camp Yavneh I have grown to have a deep passion for Israel.
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Tags: Volunteer, Federation, PR, Women
CLEVELAND – Jewish Clevelanders over 50 were invited to make an IMPACT! with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s new volunteer initiative for Baby Boomers. 400+ community members celebrated at the “Making an IMPACT! Launch Event” on January 7, 2016.
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Tags: Planned Giving, Charitable Giving, Women
The best part of being born and raised in Cleveland is my deep sense of generational attachment to the Jewish community. My parents and grandparents set an example for me to give generously of time, talent, and resources. My commitment of giving back to the community is what motivates me to be a Jewish philanthropist.
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