Young Families: Meet the Isaacs Family
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Andy and Taryn Isaacs of University Heights love being a part of Jewish Cleveland. From hanging out at the JCC pool with their two children to enjoying the food at the various delis around town, the Isaacs enjoy the many choices for spending time in the city. Meet them now!
Q - How do you incorporate PJ Library in your home?
Our three-year-old daughter Eva always gets excited when a package arrives wrapped in a white PJ Library envelope. Mommy and Daddy are excited too - we know that these books are the building blocks for her Jewish education, including hearing Goodnight Sh'ma every night. PJ Library has given us a unique opportunity to teach Eva and Ethan about the Jewish traditions and customs in a fun, kid-friendly way. The holiday-themed books have also started up dialogue on the meanings behind the stories. It gives us a forum to discuss not just what we celebrate but WHY we celebrate.
Q - What do you enjoy about living in Jewish Cleveland?
Cleveland is home to such a rich and diverse Jewish community. Our friends run the gamut of observance from secular to orthodox. When I meet people from other cities they’re always surprised to hear that Cleveland is home to more than 80,000 Jews. The large Jewish community has its perks as well. We’re fortunate to live so close to many synagogues, Jewish day schools, the Jewish Federation, the JCC, and of course great Jewish delis!
Q – What are your favorite things to do as a family in the city?
Every Saturday and Sunday you'll find our family at the Mandel Jewish Community Center. Mommy and Daddy ‘play’ in the fitness center while Eva and Ethan hang with their friends in Kid Kare. When the workout is over, Eva does her swim lessons while Ethan splashes around in the pool. Weather permitting, we head over to Preston's H.O.P.E. followed by brunch at Corky and Lenny's or Jack's (can't play favorites!). By the time it's all over the entire family is ready for a nice long nap!
For more information on PJ Library and the Young Families Engagement Team, please contact Leah Kasmenn at lkasmenn@jcfcleve.org or 216-593-2853.
In partnership with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library® in Cleveland is generously funded by Mort (of blessed memory) and Iris November in celebration of Debra Ann November's life.