

The Story of ‘The British Schindler’

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Barbara Winton is the daughter of Sir Nicolas Winton, also known as ‘The British Schindler.’ Sir Winton organized the rescue of 669 children from Czechoslovakia to Great Britain during World War II. From his rescue mission, there are over 6000 descendants living around the world today.

Barbara researched and wrote her father’s biography, ‘If it's Not Impossible...’ and created the Sir Nicolas Winton website that vividly describes his heroic saga. She tells her father’s amazing story as an example of positive action and to spread his message, “Helping those in need is not only the right thing to do, but a most rewarding way to spend your time.”

Barbara spoke to Jewish Cleveland to tell her father’s story and to highlight the work our Community Relations Committee does to continue the importance of Holocaust education.

Learn More: Federation, Advocacy, Video