

Introducing “Weekly Wellness”

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Women, Families, Kids, Teens

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Two things Cleveland is known for is our long winters and our strong Jewish community. This year, the winter months seem to hang over our heads a little more than usual as we continue to live physically distanced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The coping mechanisms we used in the warmer months like walks, hikes, and other outdoor activities, are not as feasible for many of us.

That’s why your Jewish Federation of Cleveland created the “Weekly Wellness” series of virtual wellness programming for every member of our community. Through this series, we hope to help strengthen our community’s and individual resiliency, as well as provide a calming a sense of safety and social connection.

“This pandemic affects community members of all ages and backgrounds, and the increased isolation and uncertainty has contributed to a greater need for self-care and mental wellness,” said Peter Meisel, Community Planning Committee chair for the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. “The Weekly Wellness series is a great way to connect with your community.”

The programs begin this month! We’re excited to offer events ranging from small group discussions for parents facilitated by Bellefaire JCB and JFSA professionals, community events about mindfulness and recharging yourself through cooking, and so much more. Be sure to visit our Stay Connected page to see the full slate of event offerings for you.

When there is not a “Weekly Wellness” event to attend, we will share wellness tips from guest bloggers, as well as offer all community members free curated audio offerings, meant to support your mind, body, and spirit.

We look forward to seeing you online soon! And don’t forget: if you or someone you know is struggling, please contact Access Jewish Cleveland at 216-292-4636 or online. We are here for you.

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Learn More: Federation, Young Adults, Women, Families, Kids, Teens