

Good Deeds Day

Tags: Federation, Volunteer

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Good Deeds Day 2021

Let's do good together! Join the Jewish Federation of Cleveland as we celebrate this global day of good deeds! Families and individuals of all ages are invited to volunteer and take action as we help feed the hungry.

Three ways to get involved:

Help feed Cleveland families at-risk for hunger with your favorite casserole/lasagne

  • Start making your favorite casserole/comfort food in an aluminum foil pan(s) now
  • We will provide you with a label to list key ingredients and place on the top
  • Freeze your casserole(s)/lasagne(s)
  • On Sunday, April 18, drop off your frozen casserole to the Jewish Federation (25701 Science Park Drive, Beachwood) any time between 10 am – 2 pm
  • Volunteers will take the casseroles to local organizations that support families and individuals in need
  • Looking for recipe ideas? Click here

Due to COVID-19, volunteers are encouraged to take extra precautions in preparing these meals. Please wash your hands and clean all surfaces before preparing the meals. Wear gloves and masks while preparing the meals.

Donate food items to Harvest for Hunger

Most needed non-perishable food items are: beans (canned or dried), canned protein (tuna or chicken), canned or boxed entrees, canned fruits & vegetables, cereal (hot or cold), peanut butter, pasta sauce (low sodium), 100% juice, whole grain rice & pasta, evaporated milk

  • Drop off food items in the bin located at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland (25701 Science Park Drive, Beachwood) any time between 10 am – 2 pm on Sunday, April 18
  • Certified kosher items will be donated directly to the Cleveland Chesed Center, a partner agency of the Greater Cleveland Food Bank

Make a Monetary Donation to Harvest for Hunger

Your dollars go the furthest to help hungry people in our area. The Greater Cleveland Food Bank uses dollars donated through Harvest for Hunger to make food available to local hunger centers and the clients they serve.

  • To make an online monetary donation: Visit Greater Cleveland Food Bank Online Donation and make your 100% tax-deductible contribution
  • Send a check payable to “Greater Cleveland Food Bank”, 15500 S. Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110

Take action! Advocate for policies to end food insecurity

There are several ways to end hunger in addition to donating food items and money. Mazon, a national organization fighting to end hunger, advocates to our State and Federal government to provide extra funds to communities struggling with food insecurity. You can advocate too! Go to:

Learn More: Federation, Volunteer