

August: Bare Necessities Collection for Kids

Tags: Volunteer

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August: Bare Necessities Collection for Kids

A great opportunity for individuals and families to do a mitzvah together. All ages are welcome.

As the school year starts, help families cover the basics by donating new and packaged kids' underwear, socks, and pajamas. All kids sizes needed. New items please.

Who are we helping: Shoes & Clothes for Kids and Cleveland Chesed Center

Registration is required.

Sunday, August 21
10 am – 1 pm

Drop off:
Federation back parking lot
25701 Science Park Drive
Beachwood, OH 44122

Drop-Off Procedure: Our volunteers' safety is our #1 concern. For added security at drop-off, our Federation security guard will check off your name from our registration list prior to dropping off your donation at the garage in the back of our building.

Amazon: Another Way to Participate in Our Mitzvah Collections
Want to participate in the collection without going shopping? Purchase items on Amazon and have them sent to the Federation by the Wednesday prior to our collections. Send to:

Jewish Volunteer Network
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
25701 Science Park Drive
Cleveland, OH 44122

To let us know your Amazon order has been placed (and so we can thank you properly), please email to indicate what you have ordered.

For more information, contact Susan Hyman at 216-593-2887 or or Jessica Semel at 216-593-2874 or

Learn More: Volunteer