

Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Supplemental Aid Package for Israel

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

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On Tuesday, February 13, the Senate passed a supplemental aid package that includes President Biden’s emergency funding request for Israel. This is a major win for the Jewish Community, and it was made possible by each and every one of you! Thank you for being a part of the push that got this aid one step closer to final passage.

This bipartisan package includes $14.1 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including vital funding for defensive systems like the Iron Dome and Arrow missile defense systems.

This package also provides $400 million in supplemental funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). This funding is desperately needed to keep our houses of worship safe and secure during this time of heightened threats to our community.

In addition to providing Israel with this urgently needed assistance, this package also includes funding for our allies around the world, including desperately needed aid to Ukraine. Passing this package sends a strong message to America’s adversaries that we stand with our allies.

While passage of this package in the Senate is a major step forward, the job is not finished. It is vital that you reach out to your elected officials in the House of Representatives and urge them to support this bill. We need you to reach out and express how important this bill is for the Jewish community. Please take a minute to contact your representative and let them know that a yes vote is a vote for the Jewish community, a vote for our allies Israel and Ukraine, and a vote for the safety and security of our community.

Please share this call to action with your friends and family, and have them reach out to their elected officials, we are counting on you to help build broad bipartisan support and to help pass this bill.


Learn More: Federation, Blog, Advocacy