

Statement on Amnesty International UK report

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Today, Amnesty International UK issued a report that makes egregious claims against Israel, referring to it as an “apartheid” state and completely demonizing and delegitimizing the Jewish and democratic State of Israel. This type of rhetoric fuels worldwide antisemitism and cannot be accepted. Please see below for a statement from Jewish Federations of North America, who together with several other Jewish organizations, strongly condemned the report.

J. David Heller
Board Chair

Gregg A. Levine
Community Relations Committee Chair

"Jewish Federations strongly condemn Amnesty International UK’s report that promulgates false claims against the Jewish state, irresponsibly distorts international law, and advances hateful and disparaging rhetoric associated with age-old antisemitic tropes, while ignoring or whitewashing violence, terror and incitement committed by Palestinians.

This report is the latest in a litany of anti-Israel propaganda that has contributed to a rise in hate crimes against Jewish communities around the world and continues to embolden extremist currents that threaten all minority groups.

Jewish Federations call upon the human rights community to condemn this disparaging and falsely painted report and stand up for truth and justice."

Call on the UN Secretary General to End the Biased Targeting of Israel

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